
Construction record
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ガス精製 主要設備 搬入レポート! Delivery of the Gas Cleanup Unit!



The whole picture of the Gas Cleanup Unit as of April 2015 is as stated above. The unit is characterized by multiple towers ranging from 10 to 40 m in height. The regenerator, absorber, stripper, COS converter are arranged from left to right, and the Water scrubber, heat exchanger, etc. are installed on the structure behind them.




Coal Gas generated in the Gasifier contains impurities such as sulfur and ammonia. The Gas Cleanup Unit removes impurities from Coal Gas and supplies clean gas to the gas turbine. Impurities in exhaust gas from the gas turbine are reduced and corrosion of the Heat recovery steam generator equipment that collects heat from exhaust gas generated by the gas turbine is reduced by cleaning Coal Gas. Strict development goals are set for the demonstration equipment, and the Gas Cleanup Unit contributes substantially to the achievement of the goals, in respect to air specifications.

最長で40mというとガス化炉くらいありますねwobblysign03  整然と並んだ塔設備はどのように搬入されたのでしょうか。



The main towers, tanks and heat exchangers of the Gas Cleanup Unit were manufactured at a plant in Shunan City, Yamaguchi Prefecture(Japan) and were transported by sea for delivery to Osaki.



The weight of each tower is 100t at maximum. They are hung on both sides by 2 cranes on the pier, cut in water and are loaded on the dolly of the transportation vehicle. The picture shows a regenerator (40 m in total length, 55t in unit weight).




The construction area became more crowded following delivery of the Gasifier, but the dolly plays an important role on the area. Based on strict coordination with companies responsible for each construction area, the preparation was done thoroughly with a focus on safety.






The Gas Cleanup Unit area is near the center of the construction site. Because the Coal Gasification Unit was being constructed on the area to the north of the equipment, using huge cranes, construction of the Gas Cleanup Unit had to be started waiting until the area to the north of the Gas Cleanup Unit becomes usable after completion of operations by the cranes. Because of this situation, installation was done when the surrounding equipment and buildings were under construction.



This is the absorber. Two cranes are used for installation. It is lifted on both sides, fixing wires to lifting lugs mounted on top and bottom of the absorber, to remove the dolly and is them erected vertically.



After removing the lifting lug from the bottom of the absorber, it is lifted up by 1 crane and is shifted to the foundation for installation, by turning the boom.

吊り上げから、あっという間に据付完了しましたhappy01sun  三樹さん、今後はどのような作業を行っていくのですか?


Installation has nearly been completed for the major equipment, and full-scale installation of pipes and cables will be started soon. Many of the pipes for Coal Gas and steam that are hot and high pressure are welded on the site, and inspection after welding is also very important. It takes a lot of efforts to inspect a huge number of welded spots, but the construction will be performed steadily asking for cooperation of each company.


2015年11月の受電に向け、建設工事はピークを迎えています。引き続き、安全・品質に万全を期して、一致団結して邁進していきますpunchshine  次回は精製ガスを燃料に高効率発電を行う、複合発電設備をご紹介しますhappy01